workshop on FAIR research information in Open Infrastractures

The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (SSTL) jointly with German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) organized a workshop on Accessibility of Research Information which was held virtually on 2nd November 2020.

The workshop put forward an interactive session with a set of 15 professionals from 7 different countries to explore the benefits of making research information available and obtainable. The input talk was delivered by Iryna Kuchma – an expert in Open Access and Open Science, program manager at EIFL.

The participants discussed the levels of accessibility, types of licenses research information is shared under, tools which would help to make RI accessible for humans as well as for machines etc. Apart from that workshop shared experts’ insight into the state of the disclosing funders’ information among public and private research.

Workshop on accessibility of research information is a second workshop in the series “FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastracture” and aims at identifying key criteria and principles which research information have to inhabit in order to be FAIR. These criteria will serve as a base for a road map of research information which may be published. Project details here