The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the SSTL of Ukraine) is a state budget non-profit scientific institution that belongs to the management sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
According to Ukrainian legislation, the SSTL of Ukraine is a component of the state information system, the national system of scientific and technical information, and the system of all-Ukrainian libraries of national significance.
In terms of the content of library collections, it is an interdisciplinary scientific and technical library and by purpose – a special library.
The SSTL of Ukraine is one of the largest libraries in the country with a unique multi-industry collection of scientific and technical literature and documentation, which includes nearly 16 million copies of documentary information sources.
The SSTL of Ukraine ensures the creation, functioning, and administration of the National Electronic Scientific and Information System “URIS”, and is responsible for its content, accumulation, storage, normalization, and data processing.
One of the relevant areas of activity of the SSTL of Ukraine is to ensure the creation, uninterrupted functioning, and administration of electronic scientific and information resources, including the Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) – a search system and database of scientific citations.
The SSTL of Ukraine provides scientific institutions, higher education institutions, and library users with access to domestic and global electronic databases of scientific information.

Following the state accreditation conducted on October 18, 2022, the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine has been granted the status of a scientific institution, confirmed by the corresponding Certificate of State Accreditation of a scientific institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 31, 2022, series DA № 00549. The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine has been classified as part of the II classification group, which includes stable scientific institutions that are leading in specific areas of scientific research, scientific and technical (experimental) developments, implementation of specific types of scientific and technical products, and demonstrate activity in integrating into the global and European research space while considering national interests.