Call for Joint Ukrainian-Latvian Research Projects

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Latvian Council of Science announce a call for joint Ukrainian-Latvian research projects for implementation in 2025-2026. The application period is from July 15 to September 13, 2024.

Priority Research Areas:

  • Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • Ecology and Sustainable Natural Resource Management, including marine research, particularly studies on chemical and microplastic pollution of sea waters.
  • New Technologies for the Prevention and Treatment of Common Diseases, research in biotechnology, bioengineering, and genetics.
  • New Materials
  • Social and Humanities Sciences

The call is open to researchers from higher education institutions and scientific establishments in both countries.

Application Submission:

Applications must be submitted through the National Electronic Scientific Information System module in electronic form with a digital signature. The application form should be completed sequentially in Ukrainian and English in a single file.

Applicants must attach PDF scans of the original documents:

  • A cover letter on the applicant institution’s letterhead, addressed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, indicating the project title, priority area, names of the project leaders, and a list of attachments.
  • A confirmation letter from the Latvian project leader on the partner institution’s letterhead.
  • A document confirming the absence of restricted-access information in the application and attachments.
  • CVs of the Ukrainian (in Ukrainian and English) and Latvian (in English) project leaders.

The deadline for submission is September 13, 2024, by 13:00.

Important Conditions:

  • An individual can be the scientific leader of only one project proposal.
  • The Ukrainian scientific leader must be employed full-time at the applicant institution.
  • The research project must not be funded from the state budget under other competitions.
  • Winners are required to submit original documents in paper form during the contract signing.

We look forward to receiving your innovative proposals and fostering scientific collaboration between Ukraine and Latvia.