Ukrainian Research Information System (URIS)
Valuable research information and output is spread all across the web and usually resides in various institutional repositories, personal web pages, semi-opened funders’ systems and commercial databases (e.g. Spocus, Web of Science, etc). This creates barriers to getting a comprehensive view on the quality of conducted research, its impact and therefore, often leads to poor decision-making when it comes to financial support on a national level.
The aim of the project “URIS” (Ukrainian Research Information System) is to develop and introduce a CRIS system to collect, manage, store and analyze the information about research being carried out by Ukrainian universities and R&D organizations and provide it through a single access point.
Implementing CRIS will bring many benefits to stakeholders of the research ecosystem: it will help researchers with quicker access to information and lessen administrative burden, enable funders easily track the result and return on the work they have supported, assist businesses in finding a new perspective technologies, enhance decision-making process of officials and lastly, raise awareness among citizens in regard to national science.
The future system will contain information on publications, dissertations, patents, researchers, research organizations (their departments, units) and project descriptions. Furthermore, it will display multiple research metrics at the researcher, research group and institutional levels. The CRIS system will update regularly and link related research objects.
Presentation of the URIS project
Briefly about the principle of creating the URIS system (in Ukrainian)
Examples of successful national and institutional CRIS systems: