Workshop series “FAIR research information in Open Infrastractures”

The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine and the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology organize the series of workshops on the topic of FAIR research information in the Open Infrastractures.  

The series consists of 4 separate  workshops which will focus on each aspect of FAIR – Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse with regards to research information. 

The purpose of the workshops is to bring together experts from different domains of the research ecosystem in order to discuss and identify key criteria for turning research information FAIR. The input from the workshops will be used as a basis for the FAIRIO roadmap. 

Our first workshop “Interoperability for Research Information” will take place on Monday, September 21, at 16 (EEST).

More information about the SSTL’s projects  find here: 

For any questions you may have, please do not  hesitate to contact us!