Here you can find a list of publications indexed in scientometrics databases, publications in journals included into the National list of scientific journals of Ukraine as well as conference proceedings and reports.
- Zharinov, S. (2020). The Role of the Library in the Digital Economy. Information
- Sabina Auhunas. A bibliometric analysis of Ukrainian research articles on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in compliance with the standards of Current Research Information Systems. Almanac of Science. 2020. № 8 (41) С. 5.
- Hauschke, C., Nazarovets, S., Altemeier, F., & Kaliuzhna, N. (2021). Roadmap to FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastructures. Journal of Library Metadata, 0(0), 1–17. 2021.1999156
- Kaliuzhna, N., & Altemeier, F. (2021). Towards Fair Principles for Research Information: Report on a Series of Workshops. Ukrainian Journal on Library and Information Science, (7), 128–132. URL:
- Auhunas S., Zharinov S. Development of Patterns in research information management using the of persistent identifiers: findings from a National survey in Ukraine. PIDapalooza 2021 (27-28 January 2021), Portugal, Lisbon. (
- Nataliia Kaliuzhna, Altemeier Franziska, Serhii Nazarovets, Christian Hauschke. Towards FAIR research information — insights from experts workshops. VIVO 2021 (23-25 June 021), Hanover, Germany.